

CBW Resource Consultants is committed to the health and safety of all employees, contractors, clients and the public. The ultimate goal of our health and safety policy is to have an accident-free environment and protection from accidental loss. All employees, supervisors and contractors of CBW are responsible and accountable for obeying all safety rules, following recommended safe work procedures, wearing and using personal protective equipment when required, participating in safety training programs and informing supervisors of any unsafe work conditions.

Employees at every level are responsible and accountable for safety initiatives. We shall be consistent in achieving leading industry practice and, where appropriate:

  • Meet and strive to exceed legal requirements and any other requirements to which our organization subscribes to.
  • Establish and achieve targets that include reducing and preventing accidents.
  • Develop our people and provide resources to meet our targets.
  • Set objectives and regularly review our progress in reaching our targets.
  • Care for the people and environment while continuing to value cultural heritage.
  • Work diligently to recognize personnel who exhibit outstanding safety performance on the job
  • Encourage clients to notify CBW management verbally or by written notice of a worker’s accomplishments to ensure that no worker is overlooked


Wherever we conduct our operations, we will look for opportunities to share our success by developing partnerships that focus on sustainable value and advantage. We will work hard to communicate with and engage employees, contractors, business partners, suppliers, customers, visitors and communities to build relationships based on honesty, respect, trust and full involvement. Management, employees, and contractors are all committed to meeting this policy, now and in the future.

Calgary Petroleum Engineering Companies - Specialty Services - Safety 2
Calgary Petroleum Engineering Companies - Specialty Services - Safety 3
Calgary Petroleum Engineering Companies - Specialty Services - Safety 1

CBW Targets 

  • Ensure all mandatory training is completed
  • Zero environmental mishaps
  • Below industry TRIF rates
  • Zero significant mishaps
  • Maintain customer satisfaction and relations